The start of the new year brings news beginnings and a chance for a fresh start! Teen Feed’s Support Coordinators took time to connect with youth to ask them what their wish is for the coming year. Our intention is to inspire youth to think past today and dream about their futures. It also helps us to identify ways in which we can guide these resilient, remarkable, and hopeful young people to lean forward into their new beginnings. It is our privilege to share a selection of youth wishes for 2015.
is for everyone in the world to be happy
is that I get housing
is for me to get my life together
is for my partner and I to be healthy and have no more injuries
is for people to not be so ignorant
is that I have sobriety
is that I have a solid living environment & employment
is for stability
is for success for me and for others
is that I get traditional housing
is that my boyfriend and I would work out
is that there will be better things to come for me
is that the people taking care of me are doing good
is that people would stop being stupid
is that I am able to get into school
is that I am able to pay my own rent
is that I am able to stay off the streets
is to have a chance to see my family
is for me to be clean
is for me to be able to do more creative problem solving
is for me to be working
is for me to become self-sufficient
is for me to become twice what I am right now
is that I can continue moving forward with my life
is for me to do no more self-harm
is for me to finally put heroin behind me
is for me to find a major purpose
is that I find a place to live
is that I find steady work
is for me to get a job and my GED
is to get a job
is for me to get into school
to for me to get a job and have peace
is for me to get my family back
is for me to get my own house
that I graduate with good grades
is get the off the streets
is for me to have a place in the world
to have a boyfriend
is for me to have a place and to actually have my son
is that I have a stable job and a place to live… very stable
is to inspire my family
is that I can just be happy
is that I keep my apartment
is that I can make an actual difference in the things we see are wrong as a society
is that I can make it through next year
that I can quit smoking
is that I can start a new life
is for me to start and complete college
is for me to have a permanent place to live
to stay in school
is that my personal life goes better
for me to have a new change
Thank you for making new beginnings possible for youth in need at Teen Feed.
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For questions about Teen Feed or the youth we serve, please reach Suzanne Sullivan at 206.949.1092 or
The post Youth Wishes for the New Year! appeared first on Teen Feed.